May 1, 2024

Episode 14 | How To Get 5-10 Hours Of Your Time Back While 2-3xing Your Income

Episode 14 | How To Get 5-10 Hours Of Your Time Back While 2-3xing Your Income

What would you do with an extra 5-10 hours in your week?

If you’re like most burnout service-based entrepreneurs, you currently wear all of the hats in your business, and despite how much you do, you feel like there just isn’t enough time.

Thankfully, you don’t have to stay stuck in this time crunch cycle because, in this episode, I’m revealing how to reclaim your time while also increasing your income.


  • Why it is crucial to have a clear vision for income, workdays, and work hours if you want to reclaim your time
  • The importance of evaluating tasks to see what’s moving the needle forward versus those consuming time and energy without progress
  • How to increase your income while also better managing your time

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 In today's episode, I'm showing you how you can get 5 to 10 hours back while 2 to 3x ing your income. That's all coming up here on Breaking the Entrepreneur Burnout Cycle Podcast, so stay tuned. Welcome to Breaking the Entrepreneur Burnout Cycle, your go to resource helping service based entrepreneurs break free from burnout.

Each week, you'll learn how to identify and eliminate subconscious habits so that you can create a thriving business. with greater income, greater impact, and the freedom to live life to the fullest while having your time, energy, and health. This is Breaking The Entrepreneur Burnout Cycle.

Hey guys, welcome back into another episode of Breaking The Entrepreneur Burnout Cycle Podcast. Today, I am going to be showing you how you can get five to ten hours of [00:01:00] your time back while 2 to 3xing your income. Now, if you're like most burnt out service based entrepreneurs, then I'm willing to bet that you might be at a point where you're doing everything in your business.

And by everything, I mean you're doing sales calls, you're doing client calls, you're doing client fulfillment, you're creating content for social media, you're managing your emails, you might even be doing some of your bookkeeping. And you have so much on the plate that day in and day out, you're busting your butt off working anywhere from eight to 10 hours a day in your business.

And despite how much you might be getting done, you never feel like you're at a point where anything even feels done. And I'm willing to bet that because of that, you might be experiencing one or heck, you might even be experiencing all of these things where you're rushing through things like homework and dinner and bath and bedtime routines, because [00:02:00] all you want to do is get to that quiet part of the day where you have quiet time for yourself.

Even if it's five minutes or where you've been saying no to more social events than you'd like to admit Because you just don't have the time or the energy to even be around people Or maybe it's where you've snapped at your spouse and your kids at least once a day over things as small as them asking what you'd like to do for dinner because you're exhausted with everything on your plate, like you don't want to have to make another decision.

And because of all of this, You can't help but think to yourself that you're failing on all fronts as a spouse, as a parent, as a friend, as an entrepreneur. And you probably know on some level that you need to hire, and maybe you've even considered hiring a team member, but you also aren't sure that you can sustain that.

Because not only do you feel like you aren't making enough [00:03:00] money, but you already feel strapped for time to the point that even thinking about taking the time to find the perfect team member and taking the time to train that person just adds to the overwhelm. So if this sounds like you, then this episode might be one of the most powerful things that you listen to, because I am going to be showing you exactly how you can get 5 to 10 hours of your time back.

While two to three X in your income. You see, after working with service based entrepreneurs over the past three years, I've actually found that there are two skills that each and every one of them mastered in order to successfully get their time back without hiring all while skyrocketing and doubling, sometimes tripling their income.

So the first skill that you need to master is being crystal clear on your vision and why. Most entrepreneurs think they have clarity when it comes to [00:04:00] vision, but they actually don't. How do I know that? I know that because when I ask them for the specific details of their vision, and these details can be as simple as, how much do you want to make?

How many days a week do you want to work? Or how many hours a week do you want to work? They sit there and they give me the deer in the headlights look, and they immediately answer, I don't know. And that's a very big problem because when you don't have clarity around your vision, how will you actually even know if the actions and the decisions that you are making on a daily basis, uh, not just in your business, but in your life, how will you know if those are aligns with that vision or not?

In fact, there are a lot of ways not having clarity in your vision is analogous to going on a road trip without having an address to type in or a city even to look up in your GPS or on [00:05:00] your map. You know, back in the day when we had to navigate via the maps, that was a skill I definitely had to learn.

But that is analogous to going on that road trip without that. You're using your time and your energy and your resources just without even knowing if you're going in the right direction. And the same is true for your business, where if you don't know where you're headed, how will you ever know if you're using your time, your energy, and your resources effectively?

The simple answer is you won't. In fact, this actually tends to be one of the top reasons why I see entrepreneurs burn out because it's the biggest culprit of why so many people do not have time for themselves or for their families. And the reason for that is because they are saying yes to every opportunity that comes their way to the point that it puts so much on the plate that [00:06:00] they don't even know how to prioritize their time.

And that just leads to more overwhelm and then it leads to more procrastination, which just makes the problem worse. Now, the second skill that you need to master is to identify where your time is being used. So most entrepreneurs who are doing everything in their business really have no idea how they're prioritizing their time and where their time is actually even being spent.

And the scary part is that they'll continue operating this way because they know that They feel they don't have the resources to change and they'll say things like, I'm so busy working towards my goals, I don't have time to slow down and figure out, you know, how to get my time back. But operating from this view is dangerous because it's analogous to trying to fill a bucket that has holes in it.

Even if you keep doing the task of filling the bucket with water, [00:07:00] if you never slow down enough to figure out where the bucket was leaking, then you're You're always going to just be exerting your time and your energy trying to fill the bucket, only to find yourself like having a bucket with no water because there's been cracks that you didn't take the time to look.

And the same is true with your time. If you never slow down enough to see where you're spending your time and your energy, how will you ever know if you're even doing things that are getting you towards completing your goal? And I know that these two skills seem very simple, but the reality is not many people are actually taking the time to do these things.

And that is one of the greatest mistakes that you could ever do in your business. Because having the answers to these things is like having Bumpers on a bowling alley. They ensure that you're always on the right track, that you're making the decisions and [00:08:00] you're taking action towards the vision, not in the opposite direction.

By making sure that you're focusing on tasks, that you move the needle forward versus focusing on things that might just be there eating your time and eating your energy and that don't even move the needle forward. If this is something that you've been struggling with, then I want to invite you to download my free PDF that takes you through in depth exercises to help you get crystal clear on your vision and to help you understand where your time is going.

Ultimately, the PDF is there to help you master the two skills that have helped my clients. Get time back, but two to three X their income as well. Trust me when I say that slowing down to speed up by taking the time to do these exercises are a thousand percent worth your time, because in fact, these are the exact [00:09:00] exercises that I spend with each and every one of my clients.

And we take that time to spend the first few weeks in our program to do the exercises. And to be crystal clear on these things and what I've seen from people taking the time to do it is that it has helped them to delegate or to eliminate things that aren't moving the needle forward and to focus on the things that do matter.

And that has led to them getting their time back, but not only getting their time back, but moving the needle forward to the point where it has two to three X their income, because not only are they focusing on the right things, but they have the energy and less stress to do those things effectively.

And so if you'd like to download the free PDF, I've linked that up down in the show notes. Or you can go to www. riannamolcahi. com [00:10:00] forward slash hours back. That's all I have for you today. And as always rooting for you and your thriving life. I'll see you guys on another episode. And until then, bye for now.