When was the last time you took the results of your clients personally?
As a service-based entrepreneur who cares deeply for the people you support, it can be challenging not to become too invested in the success of your clients, but without healthy boundaries, burnout is inevitable.
Tune into today’s episode to discover how to shift from running yourself into the ground for your clients to effectively leading and guiding them.
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Today I'm talking about why most service based entrepreneurs experience burnout. And that's all coming up next here on Breaking The Entrepreneur Burnout Cycle Podcast. So stay tuned. Welcome to Breaking The Entrepreneur Burnout Cycle, your go to resource helping service based entrepreneurs break free from burnout.
Each week, you'll learn how to identify and eliminate subconscious habits so that you can create a thriving business with greater income, greater impact, and the freedom to live life to the fullest while having your time, energy, and health. This is Breaking The Entrepreneur Burnout Cycle.
Hey guys, welcome back in to another episode I just wanted to say before we even get started, thank you so much for each and every one of you for spending your Wednesdays with me. I appreciate [00:01:00] you guys tuning in every week, and I'm so excited to keep bringing you guys topics on how you can break free from the entrepreneur burnout cycle.
Today, I've got a really great episode for you because I am talking about why most service based entrepreneurs experience burnout. Because if there is anything that I have come to know from working with service based entrepreneurs like yourselves, it's this. You guys have some of the biggest hearts out there.
Like, in all honesty, I have yet to meet a service based entrepreneur who isn't on the journey of entrepreneurship to use their platform and their voice, mainly to impact the lives of others, to make this world a better place. And this is why I love working with service based entrepreneurs so much, is because It's because of how much you guys care.
In fact, you guys care so deeply about each and every single one of your clients, because you want to see them succeed and [00:02:00] win the day. And you want to see their wellbeing and happiness. And I'm willing to bet that your program or your course or whatever it is that you are offering, you brought it into this world for one sole purpose.
You want it to help people avoid getting to the point. That you were once on in your journey, right? And while our ability to empathize and just deeply connect with people, uh, to help them heal is such a gift as William Shakespeare has said so beautifully, sometimes our greatest strengths actually become our greatest weaknesses.
So in other words, sometimes I think that the number one reason why service based entrepreneurs burn out. is because we care too much. And when I say we care too much, it's where we care to the point where we are actually ending up taking responsibility [00:03:00] for the results that clients get or don't get. And because of that, I'm willing to bet that if that is something that you struggle with, that you might be experiencing one or more of these things where, you know, you stop everything that you're doing the minute that a client messages you, because you don't want them to feel like you're ignoring them or that you aren't.
Attentive to their needs, or maybe it's where you say yes to everything that your client asks for because you want to make sure that they know that you care about them and that you want to go above and beyond for them to help them get results. Or maybe it's where you feel guilty that you charged a particular amount of money if clients didn't get the results that they wanted.
And where I've seen this become a huge problem for service based entrepreneurs is that oftentimes we sometimes tie our own [00:04:00] self worth into the results of our clients. If our clients get results, we feel amazing. We feel on top of the world. We feel fulfilled. But if our clients don't get results, suddenly it's like we begin to question ourselves and we begin to doubt our purpose, where we suddenly start replaying the scenarios in our heads and asking ourselves questions like, did I do enough?
Am I worth the price that I charge? Maybe I'm not an authority in the field. Who am I to do this? And this is where, I mean that the strength to empathize and deeply care for our clients has now become a weakness. And to be quite honest, this is the very reason why most service based entrepreneurs burn out.
But I want to ask you something. Do you believe that you can do 100 percent of [00:05:00] the work and still expect your clients to get results? Chances are no. That would be like going to a personal trainer and expecting to lose 10 pounds by having them do the workouts for you while you sit back and do nothing.
Right. We all know that your personal trainer can't do the pushups for you. They can't do the work for you to get the weight loss that you want. And if you continue taking a hundred percent responsibility for your client's results, which is probably what you have been doing, then you could continue to stay stuck working more hours than you want to be doing everything for your clients.
So what can you do to stop taking a hundred percent responsibility for your client's results? Well, you can do that by learning to be the leader and the expert who motivates and guides people to the results. You are merely the guide. You are not the hero of the [00:06:00] story. You are merely showing them the way, but you're not walking the path for them.
You're walking it with them. And so how do you do that? Well, you do that by first setting clear expectations of what is required for them in order to get the results that they want. Just like the analogy of the trainer that I gave you, right? You can't give someone the results no matter how badly you want to, or no matter how badly you care about them.
And so the choice is yours. Do you want to continue overworking and doing everything for your clients? Or do you want to learn how to become the leader and the expert who motivates and has people take inspired action so that they can effectively get the results? And if you're listening to this and you're realizing that this might be part of the reason why you're experiencing burnout, but you just don't know [00:07:00] what to do or how to stop carrying the responsibility.
then I'd love for you to send me a DM so that I can help you find what's at the root of why this is continuing to happen because oftentimes what I have found is that at the root of it all there is some form of a subconscious belief of what it means if you don't get them results or what it means if you do get them results and there tends to be a tie between that external outcome.
And if this is something that you've been struggling with, then I'd love for you to send me a DM. I am very active on Instagram, and you can find me, Dr. Riana Mulcahy. That is where, you know, I've had these amazing conversations with people who have started to realize that, They were subconsciously and unintentionally doing these things.
And this is the [00:08:00] number one reason why service based entrepreneurs burn out. And so if you truly want to end burnout, it starts with not taking responsibility for clients results, but rather taking the responsibility to become the leader and the guide To show them the way and to give them the tough love that they need, to give them the empathy that they need, to give them the tools that they need, to guide them from point A to point B, because we can't be the person who walks the path for them.
I'll see you on Instagram, and as always, I am rooting for you and your thriving life, and until next episode, bye for now!