July 3, 2024

Episode 25: What Is ACTUALLY Blocking Your Success As An Entrepreneur

Episode 25: What Is ACTUALLY Blocking Your Success As An Entrepreneur 

If you’re a service based entrepreneur who has ever felt frustrated or discouraged by the speed at which you are making progress and seeing breakthroughs then this episode is for you 

I’m about to share what most entrepreneurs don’t realize is blocking their success 

By the time you finish listening you will have learned: 

  • What is ACTUALLY blocking your success as an entrepreneur  
  • Why self-sabotaging behaviors happen even though we know they might not logically be serving us 
  • What you can do to stop the cycle of sabotaging behaviors 

If you want to go deeper - join our FREE mini-mastermind workshop where I will help you uncover what has been blocking your success and give you the 3-step framework to help you remove that block so you can finally have the success you know you're meant for

You can register by going to www.reanamulcahy.com/rewired

Have a question that you want answered on the show? Send us a text!

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00:00:00.359 --> 00:00:22.399
If you are a service based entrepreneur who has ever felt frustrated or discouraged by the speed at which you're making progress and seeing breakthroughs, then this episode is for you. I am about to share what most entrepreneurs do not realize is blocking their success, and that's all coming up here on today's episode, so stay tuned.

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Welcome to breaking the entrepreneur burnout cycle. Your go to resource helping service based entrepreneurs break free from burnout each week, you'll learn how to identify and eliminate subconscious habits so that you can create a thriving business with greater income, greater impact and the freedom to live life to the fullest while having your time energy and health. This is breaking the entrepreneur burnout cycle. You Hey, everyone, welcome into another episode. Now I know that if you are listening to this podcast, that you are most likely an entrepreneur, and because we are all entrepreneurs, whether you're just starting out or you've been in the industry for multiple years, I know that we all have been or, you know, for some of us, we currently are in a place where you feel like a beginner, right, where you're learning all the skills that are necessary to successfully grow a business from the ground up. And I think that any entrepreneur, whether seasoned or a beginner, we can all agree just how challenging it can be. And I'm sure that every seasoned entrepreneur out there can probably reflect on times where they were literally learning and doing all the things to build their audience, to establish themselves as an authority in their niche, and to learn the skills needed to be able to effectively market and sell their services. And I'm sure that all of us can think of times where we have tossed and turned at night worrying about the business, or where we cried behind closed doors when no one's looking, wondering, kind of like, when is the hard work going to pay off? When are we going to finally see the breakthrough or experience, kind of the abundance that we see in our vision for the business and the way in which that we want to help people. And, you know, I think that there is a huge reason why we hear cliches all the time like business is hard, or that entrepreneurship is not for the faint of heart, and there's some merit to that, right? Like, I think we can all empathize if you're an entrepreneur listening to this, just the struggles that I think a lot of people who have never entered into entrepreneurship just don't quite understand. And you know, this is one of the biggest reasons that I am so passionate about helping entrepreneurs to identify limiting beliefs that are keeping them from not only having the abundance that they want in their business, but that's keeping them burning out.

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It's keeping them burning out, trying to reach the next breakthrough in their business, because I was once there. Okay, I was once there. And so for anyone who is currently going through that, I just want you to know that I see you, I empathize with you, I empathize with the struggles that you're feeling and maybe the emotional roller coaster that you might be on right now. And you know, a little bit of a backstory is that when I first started my coaching business, I remember the excitement that I had when I got my first few clients, right?

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It's like this. It's It's indescribable, almost. And you all know what I'm talking about.

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If you have worked with a client, you know, whether it's for free or, you know, for a very low ticket to just kind of get your feet wet, and the excitement that someone said yes to this new idea that you have, in this newfound passion that you have, I remember just how on top of the world that made me feel where it was like validation. It was validation that this is what I meant to do.

00:04:53.319 --> 00:09:25.220
I am on the right path. And, you know, just like everything in life. Life when things are going great, we don't really look at the areas where we need to grow or the areas in which we can improve upon until life sends us a lesson. Right? We there's a quote that I say all the time is that in school, we're taught the lesson to take the test, but in life, we're taught like we are given the test to learn the lesson, and so life sends us these lessons that we need in order to grow and up level to the next level. And that's kind of what ended up happening for me, and maybe it's happening for you as well, where I was, like, going from on top of the world, you know, making more than I was in my PT job, and then, boom, I hit a dry spell. Clients stopped coming in. My expenses were not, you know, being met. In fact, my expenses in not just my own coaching and just to run the business that was exceeding what I was making, and I just didn't know how to fix the problem. And what that led to me doing is actively looking for an answer to that problem, right? So I was out there like looking for the next best strategy, looking for a coach or a program that could help me figure out how to get out of this. And if you're like majority of entrepreneurs, if you don't have the results that you want, and you kind of end up in this position where you're trying all the things, but you're not quite seeing what you want. What do you typically tend to do? Well, if you're like most entrepreneurs, then I'm willing to bet that you most likely seek externally for the next strategy or the new tech or the new funnel or sales script or sales process that will hopefully be the solution to your problem, because we begin to think that the reason that we do not know, not that we do not know, but that we do not have what we want, is because we're missing something like, Oh, if I could only figure out that missing piece of the puzzle, right? And so naturally that leads to us wanting to find the answer, find the solution, to figure it out, right? And so we look for someone else who has been where we've been, and who has gotten out of that, and who is living the level of success that we want, and we ultimately, we try to emulate that. I mean, just think about any thing new that you've learned. Right? I like anything in school, anything as a child, anything in sports. I mean, just think about how we learn, right? Like as babies, we watch our parents and we mimic what they say. We mimic what they do. There's a reason why they say kids are sponges. Think about in school, right? We look up to our professors and our mentors, and we watch how they achieve success, and we try to emulate that, right, so that we can get the same results. And so it's no wonder that when you do not have the results, you go back to the drawing board to find well, then if that wasn't the answer, then maybe I need a different mentor, or maybe I need a different coach, or maybe I need a different program that I can emulate in order to finally get the results that I want. But let me ask you this, if all that it took to achieve success in business was to have the perfect strategy, then wouldn't anyone who implemented a strategy that was successful for someone else also get the same results, and yet we know that isn't the case. In fact, I am willing to bet that you can probably think of a time where you implemented a strategy and everything that your coaches said to do step by step, right?

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You followed it to a T, you followed the exact blueprint, and yet you didn't see the same results. And no matter how much you work and continue to put in the work and show up, you still didn't see the results, even though you were following that successful strategy to a T if that's ever happened to you, then you probably were left wondering to yourself, like, what am I doing wrong? Maybe it's me. Maybe I'm not cut out for this. Maybe success isn't in the cards for me. Maybe I'm.

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Just unlucky, because you feel like you're doing all of the right things, and yet you aren't seeing the breakthrough, while it seems like for everyone else, it's breakthrough after breakthrough after breakthrough.

00:10:16.559 --> 00:12:39.620
And if this is hitting home for you, then I want you to know that you definitely are not alone. Like I said, I can empathize, because I remember what it was like to be there, where it felt like I kept hitting this invisible wall, and it felt like I was doing all the right things. I was showing up every day. I was putting in work. I was, you know, sometimes working 810, hour days, and yet I was never seeing the results that I wanted. And I would jump from strategy after strategy thinking that this would be the solution to my problem, and yet, each time, being disappointed, because it never was the solution to my problem. It wasn't the solution to my problem. Because the reality is, all the strategies worked and that ended up, you know, that chase of trying to find the missing piece to the puzzle led to me getting to a point where I had hit rock bottom. I will call this my rock bottom moment, where I found myself actually in so much debt, like credit card debt, and, you know, on top of the student loans and things like that, but in just so much credit card debt after investing in program after program, trying to find the magic pill that was going to solve my problem. And it got to a point that I had to ask, actually, my parents for help at the time, to be able to just stay afloat. And let me tell you, that was not a very proud moment for me, that actually was something that I ended up having to work through later on. Of it created so much guilt and so much shame, which is a story for a whole nother episode. But the point is that it took me getting to this point of rock bottom to finally realize that the solution to my problem wasn't not going to be found outside of me. It wasn't in the strategy or the funnels.

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It wasn't in the pricing. It was actually within me, you see, like I said, Life will always give you the test until you finally learn the lesson. And it took me, you know, getting to rock bottom to finally learn the lesson, and what I had to learn the hard way during this, looking back on all of this, is that the thing that was actually blocking my success. It wasn't actually a lack of knowledge, okay? It wasn't a lack of you know strategy or knowing how to do something. It was a lack of belief in myself. It was the limiting beliefs that I held that were subconsciously driving my decisions and actions, which, as we know, every action that we take leads to a reaction. And so it was the very thing that was leading to what I was experiencing, and it was sabotaging my own success without me even realizing it.

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And when I say sabotaging, I mean where I had moments where I would have big bursts of motivation, you know, I'm on top of the world. I can get anything done, and then getting to a point where I was discouraged and just kind of stopping altogether, or, you know, knowing what I need to get done, but then suddenly finding all the ways to procrastinate and not knowing why this was happening, or it was staying busy doing a ton of stuff, you know, eight to 10 hours worth of work in my business, but never actually focusing on the 5% of tasks that would actually move the needle forward. You know, tasks such as actually putting my offers out there, actually asking if, Hey, can I help you?

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And it was just simply being too afraid to do those things because I didn't believe in myself. And here's the truth, we definitely do not have a lack of information right. Like I am sure that you could go out there, you could Google on the World Wide Web, and just you could find a million. Different results of coaches and programs and things that can help you to know how to build a business right. Like, no one's out there that and seriously typing that in and like, Man, I wish if only there was someone who knew how to teach me this, or if only there was something on the internet that could show me how to do this. If anything, I'm sure that there is a lack, like, not a lack, but an abundance of things, and over abundance of things, if not that, in fact, it can be overwhelming, like, what coach do I go with? What Who do I trust? All of these things.

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And the reason why there's an overabundance is because every single strategy works. If they did not work, then we wouldn't have these coaches and these programs out there teaching these would we? And so the question that you really have to ask yourself is, why is it that some people can follow the strategies and get the results while others follow the strategy and they don't quite see the same things? And that simply comes down to what I mentioned earlier, it's not the strategy itself that gives you the results. It's you. It's the way you show up and implement the strategy. The way that I describe it to each and every one of my clients is that it is seriously you know, the strategies like your vehicle, but you and your beliefs are the driver, right? You are what breathes life into the strategies you are, what is, what brings the life out in your business. And so how can you expect to get the results that you want? If you're constantly starting and stopping but you're never staying consistent. That would be like, you know, I'm trying to get to Colorado, but I keep detouring and doing all these other things, and it's no different, right? Alternatively, how can you ever expect to get the results that you want? If every step of the way you're doubting yourself. You're wondering, can I really do this?

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And you're showing up with the energy of someone who lacks the confidence in themselves. The truth is that you can't achieve this success that you want without the consistent action and without the 100% believability in yourself, in your vision, in the fact that this is what you were meant to do. I mean, can you find me one person who has been able to achieve a certain level of success without the right mindset? No, you can't. And so the choice is yours. Do you want to continue spinning your wheels, staying stuck in frustration because you're putting in the work but you're not seeing the results? Or do you want to be the person who finds the blind spot that has been keeping them from the success that they know they are capable of the choice is yours.

00:18:20.039 --> 00:18:50.200
And if you are sick and tired of being sick and tired, then I do want to extend an invite to a free mini mastermind that I will be doing on July 8. During that training, we are going to be uncovering what's really keeping you stuck. What is your blind spot? What is the limiting belief that is keeping you from being able to have everything that you see behind your eyes?

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And then I'm going to teach you the exact three step framework that has helped my one on one clients and helped myself to be able to help you eliminate that block so that you can finally have the success that you know you're capable of. And so if this is something that you want to learn, and this is something that is speaking to you, and you're just like, I need to figure out. What is it that's keeping me from having what I want? Then you can register by going to www dot Rihanna mulcahy.com, forward slash, rewired. Not to worry, I got you, if you don't know how to spell my name, it's linked up in the show notes down below. And so again, if you want to join us so that you can learn the three step framework to uncover and eliminate the subconscious limiting beliefs that are keeping you from having the success you know you're capable of. Then all you got to do is go to www dot Rihanna mulcahy.com, forward slash, rewired. I'll see you there. And. I will see you guys next week on another episode. Bye, for now. Bye.