Jan. 31, 2023

Episode 3: Your Approach To Success Might Be Causing Your Burnout

Episode 3: Your Approach To Success Might Be Causing Your Burnout

Episode 3: Your Approach To Success Might Be Causing Your Burnout 

On today's episode I talk all about how our approach to success is actually fueling our burnout and why we need to change 

This is a great episode for you especially if you are a go-getter 

Because I know that as a go-getter you are ambitious, driven, and goal oriented 

But I also know that also means you hold yourself to a very high standard 

And that sometimes fuels this feeling that you aren't doing enough; that you NEED to do more

Especially when you feel like you aren't getting the results you wanted in the time frame that you wanted 

Because that creates a sense of failing and ultimately keeps you in a never ending cycle of doing 

Sound familiar? Well in today's episode I talk all about that and give you an actionable step to start changing the way you approach your goals and success 

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