Feb. 7, 2023

Episode 4: So Your Hard Work Didn't Get The Results You Hoped For...Now What?

Episode 4: So Your Hard Work Didn't Get The Results You Hoped For...Now What?

Episode 4 - So Your Hard Work Didn't Get The Results You Hoped For...Now What? 

You don't want to miss today's episode because I am sharing with you a talk that I had the honor of doing within the Honey Badger Project where we talked all about why our brains immediately make us feel like we are failing if our hard work doesn't pay off in the way we expected or hoped for and how it can often times lead to us working even harder to prove ourselves and to achieve success.  When the reality is hard work DOES NOT equal success.  

You're going to want to grab a pen and paper for this because I also shared an exercise that I use with my clients which has helped them collapse time and reach their goals faster and easier 

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Rooting for your thriving life! 


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