Dec. 25, 2024

Episode 48: What Motherhood Has Taught Me About Burnout

Episode 48: What Motherhood Has Taught Me About Burnout

Can I be real with you?

The transition into motherhood and entrepreneurship has been difficult and hard

And I know what you might be thinking - well of course it is hard! Motherhood alone is hard because of the lack of sleep, lack of time to yourself, the physical toll it takes to breastfeed

But hear me out - that isn't the main reason I've been finding motherhood hard

See what I've been noticing coming up for me lately, is the emotion of grief and disappointment

And the thing that I teach my clients is that all emotions are our bodies ways of communicating to us what we are focusing our thoughts and attention on. When we look at grief it is an emotion that is telling us that we feel we have lost something. Disappointment is an emotion that is telling us we have an unmet expectation.

And when I dug further into why those emotions were coming up for me, I had a vision of what I hoped it would look like by the time I got here 

I thought that I would have the level of income I was shooting for, be fully ready to launch my 2nd group program in January, have the systems and processes in place for all things so I could just delegate it off to my VA on a regular cadence 

And really none of that has happened...

And to be honest it's been a duality in my emotions.

On one hand I absolutely love motherhood. and if you knew me - this is something I never expected...because I am highly ambitious, I never imagined that I would love being home watching my child every day. On the other hand - there is so much disappointment and frustration with myself that I didn't get what I wanted and needed to get done to hit the deadlines that I set for myself. And then there is a sense of grief or a sense of a loss because the old amount of time is now lost.

And that's the thing right - is when we have an idea of what we feel things should look like, we immediately put so much pressure on ourselves to try to speed the process up and make sure that it looks that way. To the point that we start to stress about the things we cannot control

And because we stress about these things - we just start to attempt to control things by DOING MORE

  • saying yes to every opportunity even if we don't have capacity 
  • micromanaging our team to make sure everything is perfect 
  • constantly thinking about all the things you need to do in order to try to speed things up faster 

And in actuality, the only thing that this does ensure is 3 things and on today's episode I reveal the 3 things that doing more ensures

By the time you finish listening you will have learned:

  • The 3 things that doing more ensures (hint it isn't faster success)
  • Why doing more not only slows down your rate of achieving your goals but also comes at a high cost
  • The one thing you can do to achieve your goals WITHOUT burning out

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